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노랑머리 2 영어로


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  • Yellow Hair 2
  • 노랑머리    Yellow Hair
  • 2    2
  • 노랑머리낮도마뱀붙이    Yellow-headed day gecko
  • 가랑머리    가랑머리 hair braided in two plaits[pigtails] (hanging down the back). ~의 소녀 a girl with two plaits of hair hanging down the back. 소녀는 ~를 하고 있었다 The girl wore[had] her hair in two plaits. / The girl had
  • 노랑    노랑 [노란 빛] yellow; [노란 물감] yellow dyes. ~ 빛을 띤 yellowish / cream-colored / creamy / cream.▷ 노랑 머리 a yellow head; yellow hair.▷ 노랑참외 a yellow melon.
  • 머리    머리1 [두부] the head. ~의 끝 the crown of the head. ~에서 발끝까지 from head to foot / from top[crown] to toe. ~위의[에] over[above] one's head / overhead. ~가 어질어질하다 feel dizzy[giddy] / have a giddy head. ~를 똑바로
  • 노랑새    yellowbird
  • 노랑이    노랑이 [노랑색의 물건] a yellow thing; yellow stuff; a yellow one; [노란 개] a yellow dog; [구두쇠] a miser; a niggard; a stingy[closefisted] fellow; a skinflint; a screw. 지독한 ~다 be as close as a vice. 그는 ~다 [인색하다
  • 머리뼈 머리뼈    Skull
  • 노랑 형광 단백질    Yellow fluorescent protein
  • 노랑가오리    노랑가오리 『魚』 a stingray; a stingaree; a whip ray.
  • 노랑거북복    Yellow boxfish
  • 노랑꼬리쥐    Yellow-tailed rat
  • 노랑꽃등    laburnum
  • 노랑나비    노랑나비 『昆』 a yellow (butterfly).
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